Some skillful animation at the start, but quickly became a crappy slideshow. Try and put as much effort in the end as you did in the start.
Some skillful animation at the start, but quickly became a crappy slideshow. Try and put as much effort in the end as you did in the start.
Its as finished as it is now.
Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Astonishing isn't it ^^ yay!
PWN with a capital PWN
Whoa shun, i didnt know YOU made this!
This makes me admire you twice as much! You PWN!
Why?, i mean its pretty bad, it was my first try but still bad, anyway thanks for the compliment :)
Lets get things straight...
Samus isn't a robot, she's a human brought up by Chozo.
Shadow isn't a robot, he's a genetically enhanced Hedgehog.
putting that aside, it still wasnt good.
Read The bios, Samus' Suit keeps her alive
And Theres a secret about shadow...
Read the following sentence out loud. Awtacawn thownded nlike nthith. A bunch of still images and bad voice acting. I liked the rotoscoping but its strange. A random image appears and its like "Sthnayk, You godda thave owlgath shiled." and then another image appears and its like "Comerade, mudder Lussia iz daking a zhit-ah." Enter random image "ohtakawn, RAVEN?!?!?. Metal Gear?!. LIQUID!?" Enter rotoscoping, the only good part. Enter random image "Why HELLO theah Bruthaah, Im rather SPIFFY today arent I owld chap" Yes, that review sucked. Bottom line, get some better voice actors (dont replace kagome, shes good at VA) and actually animate something (but keep the rotoscopes, they ruled.)
LMAO awsome review dude thanks
Wow. Wow. Wooow. What program did you make that with? Very remeniscent of Sonic Adventure 2, for some reason.
probably the rail sliding.
even tho I made this before sonic A 2 :)
Old account. Faggy videos. Bye.
Age 31, Male
The Blandford School
Dorset, UK
Joined on 8/18/05