That was terrible. There is no sound, you used horribly-drawn stickmen without any moving parts and what the hell was the frame rate? The "Stickmen killing each other" theme got old years ago.
That was terrible. There is no sound, you used horribly-drawn stickmen without any moving parts and what the hell was the frame rate? The "Stickmen killing each other" theme got old years ago.
Random shmizzle
Some nice sprites and animation, but im not into that kinda humour.
Quite good
Nice one.
Sorry dude, but this movie stinks. The ideo of making an anti-bush movie is over-used and the graphics are a couple of frames over and over.
This movie inspired me to get flash.
Three words - Freakin Awesome Flash!
Old account. Faggy videos. Bye.
Age 31, Male
The Blandford School
Dorset, UK
Joined on 8/18/05